Public Consultation for a Proposed Residential Community at
Sniperley Park, County Durham

Site Location Plan
Welcome to Co. Durham Land LLP’s Public Consultation website. This website has been created to present further details of the proposed development of a sustainable new residential community and to provide you with the opportunity to give feedback on the proposals.
The proposals are to bring forward a masterplan, in the form of an outline planning application which is capable of delivering approximately 1,550 high quality modern family homes as part of a new sustainable community at Sniperley Park.
Design work is currently underway and as such, we are keen to hear your views. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please feel free to submit your comments on the ‘Have Your Say’ page by Sunday 15th August 2021.
Wherever possible, we will work to incorporate feedback and ideas into our formal proposal, whilst seeking to address any concerns or suggestions you may have.